U.S. Route 7 Bypass
Eastern Box Turtle Radio-telemetry
Beginning in 2006, a six year study was initiated to evaluate the impact of the then proposed U.S. Route 7 Bypass in Brookfield, Connecticut and success of the proposed mitigation package on a population of Eastern Box Turtles. In order to evaluate the highway impacts and success of the mitigation initiatives this project was conducted in three Phases:
Phase One monitoring was conducted from 2006 to 2008 prior to construction activities.
Phase Two monitoring was conducted in 2009, during construction activities.
Phase Three monitoring was conducted from 2009 to 2010 after construction of the U.S. Route 7 Bypass was completed.
During this initiative a total of 67 box turtles were captured with a total of 41 individuals being fitted with radio-transmitters and tracked, yielding a combined 5,324 radio-tracked data points. These data revealed an average adult home-range size of 5.72 ha (0.68 ha min; 14.8 ha max) prior to construction activities in Phase One and 1.88 ha (0.99 ha min; 2.93 ha max) after construction in Phase Three, representing a 3.84 ha decrease in home-range size from pre-construction to post-construction.
In addition to individual home-ranges, a population range was calculated, based on the total area, in hectares, within a 95% fixed kernel density estimator line from pre-construction to post-construction (see below). The population range as a whole decreased drastically from 18 ha pre-construction to 4.65 ha post-construction, representing a population range reduction of 13.35 ha.

Adult Eastern Box Turtle with Radio-transmitter.

Hatchling Eastern Box Turtles with Radio-transmitters.